Now, it may be true that the uber-popular sequel is more stylized and more insane, but if it wasn't for the original Team Fortress, that wouldn't have happened. The freedom to choose from these 9 classes and then craft your own playstyle to suit what kind of player you were was very unique, and something that players didn't forget. Gone were the simple "everyone was the same character" kind of deal, and in came 9 different characters who had special looks, techniques, personalities, weapons, stats, you name it, there was something different about them. Why? Well, it's honestly because it was something unique. Yes, the online battle game from Valve was something special from top to finish, and to this day is praised as one of the greatest online battle games of all time. When it comes to online team games, there is one title that is spoken of with true reverence.Team Fortress.

Ones that transcended their original purpose to become something of legend, or even something greater than that. There are games that are built to be something special, but then there are games that became something special.